New 靠谱买球app推荐 美国退伍军人协会 has Commander Visit

posted on Thursday, April 18, 2019 in  大学现在哪些app可以买球

WATERLOO—The national commander of the 美国退伍军人协会 visited 靠谱买球app推荐 on Wednesday to honor the college’s new student-based 美国退伍军人协会 post.

The Brian Gienau College Post 738 is named after a former 靠谱买球app推荐 student who was killed in action in 2005 while deployed to Iraq.

The visit by National Commander Brett Reistad came as part of a national tour to mark the Legion’s 100th anniversary.

The Brian Gienau College Post 738 was organized by and for student veterans. 驻地指挥官约书亚·迈耶, Dan Huntley and other student veterans worked with Robin Knight, 退伍军人事务协调员, 让这个职位成为现实.


“It’s been very rewarding, and I’m just really proud of the students,” Knight said. “他们做得很好.”

Huntley and Meyer both served in the Marine Corps at different times.

“It took about a year to get all the paperwork done and get the right amount of people to sign up, 它就从那里起飞了,迈耶说.

The post is one of five collegiate posts in the nation.

“It’s a new thing the Legion is trying to do to connect with younger veterans,迈耶说.

Reistad’s visit was a point of pride for several of the young veterans. There are more than 700 Legion posts in Iowa alone.

”他说, ‘I want to come to this one and see what a difference they’re making,所以这是一件大事,迈耶说. “Some guys can spend their entire life in the Legion and never meet the commander.”

For years the 美国退伍军人协会 nationwide has lost membership, and a collegiate post like Hawkeye’s could be the future, Reistad说.

“It’s taken 100 years to build what we have,” Reistad说. “We started the year already 70,000 members short of where we were last year.”

The 美国退伍军人协会 was influential in establishing the U.S. Department of 退伍军人 Affairs, GI Bill and other things to support service members.

“So many veterans today don’t realize that they’re using programs that were started by the 美国退伍军人协会,亨特利说. “Today’s veterans need to know that this is our dare-to-be-great moment and if we don’t do it now, at some point in the future our numbers will get small enough and our voice will get quiet enough in Congress that there’s no stopping them from taking away benefits to save money.”

It’s because of the Legion’s impact on his life that Huntley tries to give back and got involved.

“They basically are the only military organization that is actually approved by Congress, so they have a lot of pull and a lot of say,迈耶说. “If our numbers dwindle, then our powers in Congress dwindle as well.”

By Thomas Nelson, 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员


  1. 美国退伍军人协会
  2. 军人和退伍军人